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SMTP protocol

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(简单邮件传输协议)

transport protocol - TCP
SMTP - RFC 821
port - 25

  • User Agent
    • composes, edits and reads mail messages
    • outgoes and incomes messages stored on server
  • Mail Server
    • mailbox: contains incoming messages(yet to be read) for user
    • message: queue of outgoing(to be sent) mail messages
  • client/server model
    • client: sending mail server
    • server: receiving mail server


  • direct transfer: sending server to receiving server
  • command/response interaction
    • command: ASCII text
    • response: status code and phrase
  • messages must be in 7-bit ASCII
  • certain character strings aren't permitted in message. Thus message has to be encoded.
  • SMTP server uses CRLF
    • CRLF - determine the end of message


objecteach object is encapsulated in its own response messagemultiple objects message sent in a multipart message

Mail message format

  • RFC 822
  • header lines
    • To:
    • From:
    • Subject:
  • body
    • the message(ASCII only)

MIME types

  • Text
    • plain
    • html
  • Image
    • jpeg
    • gif
  • Audio
    • basic(8-bit mu-law encoded)
    • 32kadpcm(32 kbps coding)
  • Video
    • mpeg
    • quicktime
  • Application
    • other data that must be processed by reader before "viewable"
    • example subtypes
      • msword
      • octet-stream

Mail access protocols

  • SMTP: delivery/storage to receiver's server
  • Mail access protocol: retrival from server
    • POP: Post Office Protocol(RFC 1939)
      • authorization (agent<=>server) and download
    • IMAP: Internet Mail Access Protocol(RFC 1730)
      • more features(more complex)
      • manipulation of stored msgs on server
    • HTTP(Web-Based Email): Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, etc.

Protocol between mail server&user pc
